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Framework Needs Work:


Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Wisconsin Ave Redevelopment Plan is Deficient in Affordable Housing & Community Benefits

Press Release - Nov. 14, 2023 Contact: Meg Maguire, Land developers who own property in Friendship Heights and Tenleytown are poised to receive a significant windfall increase in property values without sufficient contributions to affordable housing or community benefits. DC Office of Planning’s (OP) Wisconsin Avenue Development Framework lays the groundwork to up-zone the corridor, significantly increasing heights and densities. In its response to the framework, NW Opportunity Partners CDC urges robust development requirements to address this windfall.

“If you work in Ward 3 you should be able to live in Ward 3,” said Meg Maguire, Chair of NW Opportunity Partners CDC in commenting on the Framework. “As presently drafted, the Framework will not produce housing for many of the people who provide valuable services to the Ward 3 community including grocery workers, home health and personal care aides, teaching assistants, and school bus drivers. Even Metro bus drivers would not be able to live near their work at the new WMATA bus garage.”

NW Opportunity Partners CDC calls on OP to adopt customized zoning to achieve the equitable development required in the Comprehensive Plan:

  • Require 30% of new housing to be affordable through Inclusionary Zoning (IZ+) for those earning 60%- 80% of Median Family Income (MFI in 2023 =$152,100).

  • Use affordable housing subsidies to provide ample units that are family sized, accessible, and available for those who earn between 30% and 50% of the MFI.

  • Require developer contributions for other community benefits such as recruitment of minority-owned businesses, community serving retail and services, open space improvements, and recreation facilities.

In addition, NWOP CDC calls for a Capital Improvement Plan to include all aspects of infrastructure, especially expansion of currently overcrowded school and recreation facilities to serve both new and long-time families along the Wisconsin Avenue corridor.


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