Contact Councilmember Mary Cheh; 202-724-8062
The new owner of the Wardman Hotel, Carmel Partners, wants to demolish all or part of the former Marriott hotel on Woodley Road, NW. The demolition permit must be signed by Mayor Bowser. We want our Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh to ask the mayor to put this permit on hold and to inform Carmel that its project is subject to a Council-mandated public planning process.
CM Mary Cheh herself made sure the Wardman site was part of area planning. Mayor Bowser approved and that public process must now be honored.
Carmel has stonewalled numerous requests to discuss its plans and is now running down the clock on the 30-day city review of the demolition application—which appears to end on January 28, 2022.
What: Contact Councilmember Mary Cheh
How:, 202-724-8062
When: Today! It’s time sensitive.
Why: Ask CM Cheh to insist Mayor Bowser
Halt the Wardman Demolition Permit
Begin public Equitable Development plan/analysis
Provide Affordable Housing at the Wardman
Thank you for taking action.
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